Welcome to EcoJoia
EcoJoia is a mission of love, run on volunteer power. We have no paid employees and any profits are put into supporting our non profit partners. We use only soy or water based inks and try to source the most eco-friendly materials from manufacturers that care about the planet and its inhabitants.
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EcoJoia [ē-kō-jȯi-yä]
"The power of a t-shirt: A t-shirt is a small billboard to share your stance. An organic t-shirt keeps destructive chemicals out of the ground. A t-shirt is a tool for an organization to raise money and to promote its cause. A t-shirt can spark change."

Our Mission
Our mission at EcoJoia is to support the merchandise needs of environmental and humanitarian non-profit organizations, with the goal of increasing their fund raising capabilities and simultaneously spreading cause awareness. We also believe in selling products made from environmentally conscious materials such as certified organic cotton and earth-friendly dyes and screen printing, wherever possible.